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Loop Abroad Student Volunteers at Elephant Nature Park

Save Elephant Foundation has been working with Loop Abroad for over three years, bringing students interested in animal sciences to observe the elephants at Elephant Nature Park and gain an idea of what it is like to work in the field.  The group splits into small groups; with five groups of pairs, and the rest into two or three slightly larger groups that work on weekly volunteer activities (i.e. cleaning out water troughs, weeding, planting grass/trees, etc).  The groups of pairs are assigned one elephant for the day where they monitor the nutritional intake of the elephants by noting what they eat, when they eat, as well as taking urine and fecal samples of the elephant.

This is a great learning experience for the students and a good way for our team at Elephant Nature Park to keep track of the health of our elephants and ensure their dietary needs are met. Thank you Loop Abroad for your hard work this week and continuous support through the years!

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