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New rescue “Wan Mai” and “Mae Mai”


Over the few months so far of the COVID crisis, I have met many people who are involved with the elephant business, engaging with them to learn and understand. Some have become friends. We discuss openly and talk at length. There are many stories and a lots problems, and these exacerbated by COVID. Covid has badly damaged many tourist businesses, as hotels, and travel destinations. For those who manage animal facilities including Elephants, even if there is no business and the income is Zero, the expenses remain the same. Animals still need to eat and receive appropriate care.

At ENP, we are not different, as with zero income, there are yet thousands of animals to feed. We try many ways to see our way through and to help others, even by selling goods to bring income to feed animals. And especially, we have received such a groundswell of generous support from friends around the world and within Thailand , as well as fundraising to help us.

I personally visited with many camps and elephant families in tourist regions around Thailand. Many businesses plan to shut down, selling their elephants, after the COVID crisis is over. Two weeks ago I visited one camp, and walked past 2 elephants, a mother and newborn girl. The owner said that he decided to sell them to another riding camp to secure his business finances and maintain staffing. When he told me where they would be going, I knew immediately what they would be facing not long after the sale. I didn’t want the baby to be separated from her mother, nor to undergo the eventual training to perform tricks or wear a saddle.

The captive life and service business is so unnatural and alienating, and a travesty against their natural inclinations. I came home and decided to contact a couple of friends to ask if they would be willing to help us rescue this mother and child. A couple of days later, I contacted the owner to not let them be sold to the other camp, but to let us rescue them. He agreed for that.

Now the mother, Mae Mai, and the baby, Wan Mai, are with us. With the generous help for these beautiful lives, we are overwhelmingly grateful to Noele Weiss from France, Singleton Rankin
from World Woman Work , and some funds from the support of the Greater Good, Susan Rosenberg
This mother and baby are now set on a better adventure, to enjoy their freedom and the deep bonds of friendship that make life so meaningful.

The mother and baby arrive and look who want to be nanny


Our young group Faa Mai , Thong Ae and Jenny so excited with our new family member.

This Post Has One Comment
  1. It is so heartening to see a baby elephant being prevented from separation from her mama. I was depressed after watching a live account of a crying baby elephant who found her mother dead in one of India’s forests, couple of day ago. It was making me wonder if there will ever be any solution to baby elephants being increasingly orphans. I am relieved to see this new mother and her child rescued before their forever separation. Many many thanks to those who made this rescue a reality! Humanity at its finest.

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