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New rescue to Save Elephant Foundation “Som Jai”.

               Som Jai  begins her journey to Elephant Nature Park.


SomJai, our new rescue that she arrived to ENP.last few days on 2nd of September.She will spent her retired life left with us call “Home” forever.We are so happy to welcome her to ENP. after about an 18 hour drive from Kantchanaburi.  We will provide a safe place for her to come to terms with her new life with us,to check her physically retreat by our veterinarian doctor.We give her relaxing time to adjust in the new environment and supplement food. Hopefully find a friend or two who can help to heal her later.

SomJai ( formerly named NangNgam ), after a lifetime of serving humans.She arrives to us with some physical problems and with strong aggressive behavior toward humans. That is easily understood in light of her tragic past. We will try to assist her healing. It will take time. We have given to her the the suitable place we have, with ample space to roam day or night. She will have time to become calm and remain peaceful with mahout there only to supplement her needs. Already she has checked out her swimming pool, eaten from the field of fresh grass , and had a mud bath. She will sleep long tonight and discover how easy it is to rest well on a big pile of sand. When she begins to show signs of healing, we will begin to introduce her to our herd.


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