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Freedom From Circus Shows

When Faa Sai was found she was about 4 years old.  She was a young elephant who was so stressed, she began to starve herself. According to her previous owner, she was developing cataracts in both eyes and she was refusing to eat.  In this time, she was put in shackles and chained because she had become very aggressive towards her mahouts, attempting to attack them.  Her two front ankles were chained so close together that she had difficulty moving.

ENP rescued her while she was still in a mentally traumatized state.  Upon arrival to the sanctuary, we tried to introduce her to the herd with caution, though we know that no one will understand the elephant as much as they do. The Nannies were so excited to meet her and the herd adopted her right away. She was given a new start to life at our park which means she would never be beaten again; she gets so much love from the herd.

Today Faa Sai has become a gentle and supportive elephant as she is the best Nanny, who expresses love and care toward the herd.  Every time we receive the new rescue elephant to the park , she will be the first one who walks to welcome and comfort them. Thanks for all of you to support us and to let us continue to work to rescue elephants and bring them a happy life with us at Elephant Nature Park.

Looking for a way to help?  You can support Faa Sai as a sponsor!  It is easy, just visit

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