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Photo Essay: Founder Lek Chailert and Elephant Nature Park

Lek and the family herd at Elephant Nature Park

Since the foundation launched its new site and blog encompassing all of Lek’s projects in October 2012, we’ve aimed to provide our supporters not only with the latest news from her projects, but also entertaining and informative stories and photos about the animals we rescue.

Today, we’d like to share with you some of our favorite photos of Lek with you from the past year. These photos show just how amazing Lek and her bond with the animals in her life is.

Navann baby elephant

Navann inspects Lek and her camera.

Faa Mai baby elephant

Faa Mai and Lek have a special relationship.

Lucky elephant rescue

Lek feeds Lucky, a rescued elephant, en route to her new home at Elephant Nature Park.

Faa Mai baby elephant

Faa Mai gives Lek kisses.

Baby elephant Faa Mai

Lek returns the kisses later in the day

Lek and baby elephant

Baby elephant Navann shows some love to Lek in in his first weeks of life.

Faa Mai and Lek baby elephant quoteWhich is your favorite photo?

This Post Has 14 Comments
  1. I love it all. Lek is wonderful. I hope someday to visit the park and give my contribution. ♥

  2. Dear Lek – I just wish I was you … <3

    With all my respect – keep on going, please !!!

  3. Lek is one of my global, animal HEROES! Just so sad, that my life’s path couldn’t been similar to hers…as that’s where all my passion is. BRAVO to you All, for the Amazing work you have done, and are doing!

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